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Morning at the Yard – 23rd March 2021

Great to have Mum for a couple of hours this morning with her camera capturing all the comings and goings! Thank you Mum!

Mac McCarthy, Upstaging and Copper and Five

Mac McCarthy, Upstaging and Copper and Five

Ruth on Copper

Ruth on Copper

Emily leads on Mac

Emily leads on Mac

Julie on Upstaging

Julie on Upstaging

Emily and Mac

Emily and Mac

Mac McCarthy, Upstaging and Copper and Five

Mac McCarthy, Upstaging and Copper and Five

Kylie Rules enjoying her loose exercise

Kylie Rules enjoying her loose exercise

Sandy B in the lunge ring

Sandy B in the lunge ring

Loquacious Boy strides out

Loquacious Boy strides out

Sandy B

Sandy B

Van Zant, Freedom Flyer, Don't Joke

Van Zant, Freedom Flyer, Don’t Joke

Coming into view

Coming into view

Passing the pond

Passing the pond

Van Zant spots the camera woman!

Van Zant spots the camera woman!

Emily sits tight!

Emily sits tight!

Spot the lost stirrup iron!

Spot the lost stirrup iron!

All's well that ends well

All’s well that ends well





Emily leads on Foreseeable Future

Emily leads on Foreseeable Future

Julie in the middle on City Wanderer

Julie in the middle on City Wanderer

Ruth on Spanish Angel

Ruth on Spanish Angel

Foreseeable, City and Spanish

Foreseeable, City and Spanish

Foreseeable, City and Spanish

Foreseeable, City and Spanish

City and Spanish

City and Spanish

Julie on Trevie Fountain

Julie on Trevie Fountain