Covid-19 update – 24th March 2020.
Yesterday I made the difficult decision to take all the horses out of training having spent the weekend following the news and latest government advice.
I cannot realistically see we will be racing in May. All the horses know their jobs so cantering them every day with no end goal is only putting miles on their joints and not doing them any favours mentally. They will get turned out every day in their big gangs as normal and get a good ration of feed so when racing is given the green light they will not take too long to get back to fitness. Turn out here is unlike any other racing yard that I know of so you might be surprised how much exercise they do whilst out together in their herds!
For all we try hard – every surface that we touch is a risk and there’s masses here! Barrow handles, feed scoops, gates, doors, light switches, feed bins, mucking out kit, pens, the kettle, the flusher on the loo… it never ends. I feel with reducing the amount of people here we are at least reducing that risk and doing “our bit”.
I don’t know what is the right or wrong course of action but am doing what I think is right for my team, my owners, my business and, without sounding over dramatic, the country. The sooner we all stay at home the sooner we will come out of this at the other side and can enjoy all those things we’ve taken for granted!
Short term pain for long term gain. Keep smiling if you can and stay healthy.