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Ruth Carr Racing

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Band Night Makes over £2000 for Macmillan – 21st May 2016

What a fabulous night everybody had on Saturday with three amazing bands


All organised by my good brother Richard (yard Farrier) and his wife Charlotte and friends.
A huge Thank You.

Ruth face paintedJimmy up for a new faceFabulous hog roast

We all enjoyed a marvellous Hog Roast, courtesy of Sheddon Bros. A very generous donation to the evening – and it was delicious.
Thank you so much to Chris Rooke for his expertise in cooking and serving it. There was simply masses for everyone!
Thank you also to Clarks the Bakers who donated the bread buns, a few hundred!

Kate was determined to paint everybodys face, further raising the funds! Ruth was first, and Jimmy soon had to succumb!

Thank you to the bar staff – Mark, Leah, Mum and Dad. A fair amount was drunk (and spilt) as can be expected.

DancingRuth Dancing

MonotonesStoney Plain


The proceeds for the night were a marvelous £2312!      Macmillan dark logo
I will hopefully reach my target of £30,000 before the big day!

Please support Macmillan!

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